PHOTO BLOG: Through The Black Valley and The Gap of Dunloe
On day one of our 7-day tour and day two of our 12-day, we step back in time as we cycle through the Black Valley, so named for being one of the last areas of Ireland to be connected to electricity and telephone lines.

Delightful descents and long uninterrupted stretches along the River Gearhameen make you wish you never had to go back into town.

The scenery through the Gap of Dunloe will be unlike anything you've ever seen.

Photos can't do justice to this narrow mountain pass that separates the MacGillycuddy's Reeks Mountains from the Purple Mountain Group.

We'll share the one lane road with old-fashioned pony and trap carriages and cycle down through the five lakes lined by gorgeous old stone walls.

Of course a stop at the Wishing Bridge to make wishes will be in order.

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